Over the last five years, Atlantic Service Company has grown significantly; doubling our output, increasing the size of the workforce by 50% and bringing more customers on board each year. We have invested time and money in our processes, improved our quality and our understanding of how we measure that, and become a better, safer place to work.
However, we have now outgrown our existing site that has been our home for more than 40 years, since Atlantic Service was established. Therefore, we are delighted to be able to inform you that we have commenced a move to a bigger facility and will complete this in January 2022.
An extensive project to transition all existing equipment, stock and people in a methodical and staggered approach is well underway. The new address is just a few minutes from the current site, so we are remaining firmly in South Wales and taking our loyal and hard-working workforce with us. The new address will be updated on the website footer once we formally change our company registration details.

As with any major project, there will inevitably be a small amount of disruption, but we wanted to write to you to assure you that this is being kept to an absolute minimum. The lead-times we have been giving are based on the known plan with the move factored in and this will continue to be the case until we are fully up and running.
What this means for us, and you, moving forward is that the extra space has given us the ability to increase investment in new machinery, with two additional production lines being purchased, significantly increasing our future capacity. There is also a large amount of additional space, including extra delivery and despatch bays, ensuring we have been able to plan the layout to best suit the requirements of you, the customer, which will in turn increase our quality and improve the service we can offer.
As ever we thank you for your unwavering support and trust that we can continue to work closely with you as we take a giant step towards a bigger, brighter future for us all.

Huw James,
Managing Director